For Sale: Assassin snails , RCS, and plants

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 8, 2010
South California
I'm still trying to reduce two tanks into one. the following is available as a whole or in pieces|

10 Assassin snails ($1.50 each or 10 for $12.00)
30 Red Cherry Shrimp $20.00 for all

Big Amazon sword, is like 8 to 10" tall $3.00
Big Anubia Barteri 6" tall $3.00
Small Anubia Barteri 2 or 3 " tall $1.50
Small Cript Wendtii green $2.00
Big Cript Wendtii green $3.50
Elodea Canadensis$1.50
Java Moss golf ball size $2.00
Brazilian Pennyworth good amount for $3.50
Hornwort $1.50

If you want the whole package send me an offer.
Still available:

20 Red Cherry Shrimp $15.00 for all
Assassin snails $1.50 each

Big Amazon sword, is like 8 to 10" tall $3.50
4 Small Amazon swords $ 2.00 each
Elodea Canadensis$1.50
Java Moss golf ball size $2.00
Brazilian Pennyworth good amount for $3.50

If you want the whole package send me an offer.
How much is shipping to 94107? Might be interested in all your shrimp depending on price. Thanks
Still available:

5 Assassin snails ($1.50 each or all 5 for $5.00)
30 Red Cherry Shrimp $20.00

Small Cript Wendtii bronze $2.00
Anubia Barterii medium $2.00
Java Moss golf ball size $2.00
Brazilian Pennyworth good amount for $3.50
Dwarf sag $3.00 for at least 5 plantlets.
Tiger Lotus small $4.00

If you want the whole package for all the plants or a group of them, just send me an offer.
I'm interested in the rcs and maybe the tiger lotus. How much to 60641?
Below are the items still available

5 Assassin snails ($1.50 each or all 5 for $5.00)

Anubia Barterii medium $2.00
Java Moss golf ball size $2.00
Brazilian Pennyworth good amount for $3.50
Dwarf sag $3.00 for at least 5 plantlets.
Tiger Lotus small $4.00

If you want the whole package for all the plants or a group of them, just send me an offer.
Some people ask me for pictures of the plants. Here they are except the tiger lotus which I don't have a picture on hand right now.


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Below are the items still available

Anubia Barterii medium $2.00
Java Moss golf ball size $2.00
Brazilian Pennyworth good amount for $3.50
Dwarf sag $3.00 for at least 5 plantlets.
Tiger Lotus small $4.00
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