At a loss... nitrites in a 2 month cycled system

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 1, 2014
Central Maine
Murphy's law kicked in today, apparently. My tank has been cycled since early september, and I've been keeping it cycled adding ammonia and fish food every couple of days. As recently as last thursday it was still cycled. Tested the water today and got 5 ppm nitrites. Of course, the shipment of fish I've been waiting for all along arrives tomorrow.

I've heard something about prime giving false nitrite readings- could that be it? I can't really think of anything else. I did a really big water change last week- two 95% water changes consecutively. But the ammonia is still being converted, so it's just crazy to think that I somehow killed off the nitrite converting bacteria but not the ammonia converting. The tank has aragonite substrate too so it's unlikely the KH ran out and the pH crashed (as of now the KH is 6 and the pH is 8).

I honestly don't know what's going on, but it looks like I'm going to have to risk $100 worth of neolamprologus multifasciatus getting the biofilter back up to par, unless someone has any idea what the issue might be and how to fix it.
do you by chance live in very southern maine? i could give you some seeded filter media.
do you by chance live in very southern maine? i could give you some seeded filter media.

Nah, I'm in the greater Bangor area. And I have another tank to seed from, but I just added a ton of fish to it (20 glowlight tetras at once) so I'm hoping it doesn't come to that and potentially mess up that tank's biofilter.

Right now I've done a big enough water change to bring it down to .5, so hopefully tomorrow it'll be 0 and I can just watch carefully with the new fish.
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