At capacity?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 17, 2005
Rochester Hills MI
I'd like a couple of opinions on my current stocking for my 70 gallon tall tank. I think I'm about at max, but was wondering if I could add either 3-4 more Rummies or maybe 4 or so other tetra's to kinda fill in the mid-level of the tank. I added the Rams a week ago thinking that they would be more visible but so far (3) have turned out to do alot of hiding and are very skittish whenever anyone approaches the tank. They also have proved to be kinda territorial and I'm not sure that will change.
My water has remained at 0,0, and a trace or Nitrate since my cycle completed a bit over a month ago. I do PWC's 2x per week about 25-30%.
My current stocking is:
5 - Angels (2 marbled, 2 'normal' striped, and 1 pearl)
14 - Rasbora's
6 - Rummynose
4 - Blue Rams (3 long fin and 1 'regular')
5 - Cory's
2 - Clown Loaches
1 - Gold Nugget Pleco

Using the 1" per gal guideline, and considering adult sizes...sure, you are at the limit. Obviously none of the angels are adult sized as yet so I don't think you are totally maxed at this point. Adding the additional rummy's will take you over but not by much.
JChillin - confirmed my thought.
Any opinion on whether the (1) Gold Nugget Pleco is sufficient? I've read that Gold Nuggets aren't necessarily great with algae. That was my other potential addition (I would forego adding additional Rummies if I added another Pleco). Mine is currently almost 4inches.
The thing about plecos is they really shouldn't be combined or paired with other plecos unless they are of the dwarf varieties. The Gold can get up to 10-12 inches and two of them are 20-24 inches. Just a little too much competition going on in one tank.
i added a pleco from the lfs to my freshwater tank about 4 weeks ago . i beleive its a trinidad pleco. i have a 75 gallon tank so i brought 1 thinking i was going to get another because i had brown and green algae out the wazoo but sure enough he cleaned my entire tank in under 10 days time. which brings me to my question. since he did such a great job and theres next to no algae left what should i feed him now?
Spirulina (algae) disks/wafers...blanched zuchinni. Those are great supplements. They will also eat leftover fish food that falls to the bottom. Feed the foods after lights out.
Hmmmm....I should have done my own homework before buying the Gold Nugget. I relied on the LFS and they told me this guy would take care of algae and not get bigger than 6-7 inches......after reading your response (JChillin), I read more on them and see that they aren't really good about algae, and can get pretty big.
Well, I'm gonna keep him cause he looks really neat.....but, maybe my plan now should be to get 3 or so Oto's to help keep my algae in check?
Also, I may need to look into feeding this guy (Gold) something.....again, my LFS suggested Algae Wafers. But, if they really don;t eat algae, this probably is a waste. He's been in my tank for about 4 weeks now.....sure hope he is not starving! (I do have a couple of pieces of driftwood so maybe I'm ok?)
Let me know what you think about the Oto's and feeding thing.

You didn't mention Oto's earlier. Are you considering them for algae cleanup? Oto's are primarily diatom (brown algae) eaters. Which brings us to the same problem you have with your gold nugget...none are going to really go after green algae.
Oh boy....when I was buying the Pleco, I inquired about Oto's as I was trying to decide if I should go with them as opposed to a Pleco. (2) LFS's that I visited told me that Oto's need an established tank with plenty of 'green' algae to thrive and survive. At the time, my tank was just finished cycling, and I had alot of brown algae.....they told me to wait until I had green algae before even considering Oto's. So, I bought the Pleco with the thought that he would be OK with the driftwood, and also take care of algae.
Now, with the knowledge that the Gold Nugget is not really known for eating algae, I need to think about adding something to help keep my algae in check (not that it is a big problem at the moment, but I know its there and will probably get worse over time.
At the time, my tank was just finished cycling, and I had alot of brown algae.....they told me to wait until I had green algae before even considering Oto's. So, I bought the Pleco with the thought that he would be OK with the driftwood, and also take care of algae.

Weird situation eh? They actually had it reversed and this is sometimes the reason why people who buy otos for diatom cleanup seem to lose them immediately afterward. They don't realize that they need food after they've done the job with diatoms and they literally starve to death. :(

There is a silver lining. Your gold nugget is very capable of providing maintenance of your substrate. Providing the supplemental foods will keep him happy (not to mention the driftwood...which he will also live in and gnaw on).

Green algae can be avoided by keeping your lights on no more than 10-12 hours.
I got a gold nugget a while back just because I always wanted one, and I catch him eating the algae wafers I throw in there. I have a flying fox in the same tank, so I don't really know if the GN or FF is the one keeping the tank clean, but my point is that at least the algae wafers you bought won't be a total waste. :D
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