Awkward plant question...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 18, 2011
Ok, so I have this app, (fish farm) which keeps me from going insane when I can't buy real fish. Anyway, It's based off of real fish and plants. It labels the fish species but not the plant, and there are these two plants that I really like on it... Can anyone help me out? Lol, I've never owned real aquatic plants before, but these have sparked my interest... Any info would be greatly appreciated! Sorry it's sideways... My bad!


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The one on the left looks like the plant I have in my tank. I saw someone refer to it as a melon sword on another post.
The left one definitely looks like a Melon Sword, the one on the right looks like a species of Ludwigia.
Do these work in a 29 gallon tank with tetras, rams, keyhole cichlids, a rubberlip pleco, and cories? Or a ten gallon with mollies, guppies, and ADF's? I don't know anything about lighting...
the sword can get big so I would go with the 29 gal. The swords are heavy root feeders so you would want to get root tabs for them. If you have sufficient light, they should be ok. What kind of lighting do you have? Depending on the kind and how much, you may not have to do a whole lot.
Well... The 29 gallon is still in the planning stages, but I know which tank it is! Give me a minute and I can post some pics. The ten gallon has no lighting, just natural light that comes in during the day. (no algae yet!)
Here are the pics, don't know if this helps or not. Sorry, as I've said before I've never dealt with aquatic plants before, so bare with me!


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I like the Anubis nana thingy! I really don't want to get into co2 and ferts... Just some easy to care for, VERY hardy plants.
Yep, my thinking exactly.

Although I've seen some spectacular planted tanks that have fish as an ornament. My Moors would never allow that though. lol

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I can also recommend planggeek. That is the site that I first started learning about plants. If you want plants, I hate to say it, but you wont be able to use incandescent bulbs. You will have to have something fluorescent. I don't know if that hood is inc or fluor. I have had swords in low to mid light before fine, as long as you have a root tab they usually will be ok. If the other is ludwigia, you will have more problems. Mr. Limpet (love that movie btw), has another good point. There are a lot of low light plants that will do good in your tank given you have a fluorescent light. Even if they get natural sunlight a bit of the day should be enough. Java moss/fern, Anubis, a lot of crypts, are all low lights. There are a ton. Go to plant geeks and check out their lowlight specimens.
It says a flourescent lamp in one of the pics! Yay! (I think?)

If that tank is the one I think it is then I have the same one. The light that comes with it will not really work well with keeping plants, especially any kind that require more than low light. I'm using the same hood on my tank, but I changed the bulb. I'm now using a Flora-Sun bulb by Zoo-Med (I'm sure any bulb that has the right light spectrum for plant growth will work -- they're usually marketed as plant growth bulbs). It's a 24" 17 watt T8. I have been able to keep some anacharis and moneywort but that is about it. If you want some of the more exotic or "cool" looking plants then I think you should think about an upgrade. Right now I'm low on funds and I'm focusing on turning my 60 gallon tank into a planted tank so I haven't done much research on any lighting upgrade for the 29 gallon tank.
Yep, like I said I have some anacharis and moneywort in my tank. You just have to be real careful in selecting the type of plants you plan on getting. I would also strongly recommend that you replace at the very least the bulb that comes with the hood. I originally purchased my plants solely as a food source for my mystery snails. I really didn't intend for them to live. In fact, I was counting on them dying. They have lived for several months now and the anacharis has really taken off. I do have the advantage that my tank gets some direct sunlight during the day so I'm pretty sure that helps. I even went as far as to start dosing the tank with Seachem Flourish. Unfortunately, I was probably overdosing and now I'm dealing with an algae problem.

The key is knowing what type of plants you're getting and what requirements they have. Just like you've done the research on the fish you keep you will have to do the same for the plants.
I like the Anubis nana a lot, and the moneywort. And maybe some java moss I could attach to some driftwood? Would these be ok if I replaced the bulb? Can I get away without replacing the bulb?
I like the Anubis nana a lot, and the moneywort. And maybe some java moss I could attach to some driftwood? Would these be ok if I replaced the bulb? Can I get away without replacing the bulb?

From what I can see all the plants you selected are low light plants. I would try them out and see what happens. One thing I must say, though, is I'm not a plant guy (at least not yet). My plan is to start doing a lot of research and plant my 60 gallon (just don't want you to take my word as that of an expert). I kind of backed into plant keeping and started to enjoy it.

Having said that, I do recommend changing the bulb. I saw a dramatic difference in plant growth after I put the new bulb in.
Well, maybe I'll start with the original bulb, see how they do, and if they don't do well, I'll replace the bulb. Will the plants be ok in mid-sized river rock substrate with root tabs?
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