Azoo Chiller CH-200

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 24, 2003
Anyone using this chiller? My tank is a 50 gallons and I've this chiller running for a couple of days but the temperature remains at approx. 31.3 degrees celsius. It was 32 degrees.
I was told to set the initial temperature to around 16 degrees to speed up the cooling process and tune it back to desired temperature when it's near. Anyone can advise on what's wrong?
All fans are working.... nothing mechanical seems to be wrong. Surrounding temperature can affects the performance?
Yes, the flow rate through the chiller is approx. 500 gph. Recommended is 475gph.
What is causing the temperature? (lights, outside temperature)

It depends what you are fighting to bring down the temperature. My lights we keeping my tank a few degrees warm, I installed a 2" fan it the temperature came down in 24 hours. It just needed some movement of air.

If the outside temperature is what you are fighting, then it is much harder to cool. Also, make sure you have enough space/air flow to get the heat away from the chiller.

Also, what livestock do you currently have in the tank? Some are more sensitive to rapid temperature changes than higher temperatures.
The heat is not from lights, mainly from the surronding as I'm staying in a warm country. The room temperature is around 29-31 degrees most of the time. Fan works and manage to bring the temperature to around 29 degrees. However, I do not favour using fan since it blows out the water and salt to my surrounding. This chiller should work for my capacity and I expect it to work better than my mounted fan. Without the fan and chiller, the temperature can easily goes to 32 degrees and my star fish has "melted".
Think some of the heat is attributed by the PH. I've reduced the no. of PHs in the tank to only 2 Eden each 25W and moved to an external Eheim 1262 for the chiller and skimmer.
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