Babies, I got questions....

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 1, 2018
How long do they take to get big enough to be put in the tank with their parents?

Do they eat flakes too? do I need to grind it into a powder? how often do they feed?

First time with babies that haven't been eaten, I'm sure I'll have more questions
Keeping Fry

How long do they take to get big enough to be put in the tank with their parents?

Do they eat flakes too? do I need to grind it into a powder? how often do they feed?

First time with babies that haven't been eaten, I'm sure I'll have more questions

Hello rav...

If your tank is heavily planted, you don't need to move females or separate the fry. Floating plants provide nutrients and hiding places for the females and fry. You should also feed all the fish a little more and more often. Well fed adult fish aren't likely to bother the fry. Fry eat what the adult fish eat. You can put some flakes into a small plastic sandwich bag and use a rolling pin or a similar kitchen item to crush the flakes into a fine powder and feed this until the fry get large enough to eat other fish food like freeze dried and frozen foods.

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