Baby Fry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 2, 2009
Brooklet Ga
When should I seperate the male and female fry from each other.When can I put them back into the tank with the adults.And how often should I clean the fry tank.Right now they are in a 10 gallon tank.I have 5 mollies that are 3 1/2 weeks old and 40 guppies that are a week old.
I would separate the fry as soon as they can be sexed. This eliminates the possibility of inbreeding. I learned this the hard way... I now have about 10 inbred guppies in my tank. No physical problems but I would prefer to avoid inbreeding.

When I had the fry in a tank by themselves (a 10g) I would clean it daily. Doing about 25%-35% water changes. It may be a little too much but I noticed they became more active after a few PWCs. Maybe having your hands in the tank at a younger age makes them more comfortable with intruders in the long run?
fry baby

so when can I put them in with the adults.How do you not suck the babies up when you clean the tank because they are so little.
New, unwashed pantyhose over your gravel siphon (and filter intake if you have one) will work.
baby fry

Thanks I will do that today.I have not cleaned it since I put them in there on Friday of last week so I probably need to do that today.What kind of live plants do you suggest putting with them that will tolerate alittle bit of salt.
Well you'll probably spark the great molly-salt debate again. Lots of people feel mollies should be completely freshwater. Others will say salt is beneficial for them. Live plants will most likely become damaged after exposure to salt. In general, salt is a no-no in planted tanks.

As far as your other question, when you can put them with the adults... I have a few fry that are only a week old and they are in a tank with 9 adult females. Prior to that I had probably well over 20, week old fry. In general, if they are bigger than the adults mouths you should be fine.
baby fry

Hi yeah I know people have different views on the salt,but I have noticed I had my fish for about 2 weeks with no salt in the tank but I noticed they were not acting right so the lady at petco told me to add some salt so I did and wow did they perk up,they have been in the water with a little salt for about 4 weeks and are more active than they were with out the salt.Will java moss do well in a little salt.
I have heard that some people have gone through a salt treatment and their Java Ferns and Java Moss survived. I have never heard one way or another about long term exposure to salt. I bet eventually it would melt/die off.
baby fry

I really appreciate your replies I guess I will just have to try it.
I have a community with mostly livebearers of the molly/guppy/platy/sword variety, plus some tetras, barbs, gouramis (smaller), etc and live plants. I added 1 tsp/gal salt. How much will this deter the growth or plants? I've got several kinds, but mainly the swords are what I am wondering about.
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