Baby Lampeye - Advice Needed Please

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The sea monkeys Rock

Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 21, 2013
Reading, UK
Dear All,

My lampeye's have given birth to one baby / fry. I have moved him to a nursury tank with no other fish in it.

How could I best care for him? What does he eat?

GH is about 4, TDS about 200. PH is a bit high at 8.0, 24C temp. I use RO and Co2 in the main tank (where he came from before he was moved) and my PH is lower there, around 6.8 - 7.3.

Any tips would be gratefully received.

You can use First Bites, baby Brine, live or frozen or culture infusoria. Google is your friend.

No first hand experience, just offering best guesses.

Lamp Eye TETRA ?
Dear All,

My lampeye's have given birth to one baby / fry. I have moved him to a nursury tank with no other fish in it.

How could I best care for him? What does he eat?

GH is about 4, TDS about 200. PH is a bit high at 8.0, 24C temp. I use RO and Co2 in the main tank (where he came from before he was moved) and my PH is lower there, around 6.8 - 7.3.

Any tips would be gratefully received.


First of all, please do not bump the threads. Many will get answered in their own time. Second, I would be very careful of the baby now that you moved him. That's a pretty big pH shock to survive. Coursair has given a good list of foods to try :)
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