Baby Oscar

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 28, 2004
I just got a small 1.5" Tiger Oscar in my 30 gallon 35" long tank.

I want to feed him forzen bloodworms but how much should I feed him now?

I also wanted to know when should I move him to a bigger tank.

I will get a 60+ gallon in the future.
Moving him to a bigger tank now wont hurt him. If he is the only one in the tank you should probably move him when he gets to be about 6 inches.
He is by himself in the 30 gallon tank.

I was just wondering how much they eat when they are these small.
Welcome to AA! Congrats on your wee oscar, too :D

Just feed him as much as he will eat in a minute or two. Also give him some quality cichlid pellet or flake, so he gets some variety. He will eat more than he needs to if you let him, so it might be hard but resist overfeeding.
I would try getting it to take pellets. They are more nutritional. Give him as many as he will eat in about two or three minutes. You can give him other foods as treats, but avoid live food. They have barely any nutrional value and you can get diseases passed to your tank from the other.
Your Oscar will be fine in the 30gal for a FEW months but dont keep him in there longer you will run a risk ot stunting his growth.

Oscars are PIGS and will eat anything and as much as you will feed them so be carefull not to over feed.
As already stated just feed him what he will eat in a few minutes.
Try the O.S.I. brand pellets the y are highly nutritional.
When older you can try beefheart my 3 love it.
You can also try Multivit.
It is a vitamin liquid that you can soak the pellets in.
Hope this helps you.

Feel free to ask me any other questions you may have.
Welcome to AA! I have 2 pretty big oscars now that were babies when I got them. Try and feed him a variety of foods. I'm not sure if feeding him frozen bloodworms as his staple food is the best way to go, so just make sure you give him variety. I feed mine Omega One cichlid pellets as their staple food, and supplement them with tetra cichlid sticks, dried krill, and raw shrimp as a treat.
I agree with Gunnie: feed your oscar either a high-quality flake or pellet (Omega One is an EXCELLENT brand) as a staple food, and use the other stuff as a "treat". Oscars tend to get spoiled on live or frozen and won't eat anything else.

I'd also be very cautious with feeding your oscar feeder fish: this is by far the easiest way to infect your fish with all manner of disease and parasites.
I just got some Cichlid Pellets from my lfs and try to feed him some, but he dosen't seem to eat it, alot of it just left sitting on the water and I have to take it out.

When I feed him forzen bloodworm he go right up and eat it.

What should I do?
Keep offering the pellets - he will eventually eat them, though it might take 3-4 days. It is not unusual for them to refuse a new food, but bloodworms are impossible to resist. He just needs more variety in his diet to be healthy - don't we all!
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