For Sale: Baby Tears HM

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 4, 2011
Olathe, KS United States
Selling bunches of Baby Tears - HM for $1.75 per bunch and $6.50 shipping. PM me to purchase.

Purchase includes 12 1-4 inch stems of this plant.

Shipping Mondays and Wednesdays

Common Names: Pearl Weed, Baby Tears
Proper Name: Hemianthus micranthemoides
Category: Stem Plant
Temperature:19 - 27 C
PH: 5.0 - 7.0
Lighting: Medium
Growth Rate: Medium
Difficulty: Medium
Orgin: USA
Position: Mid-ground, Foreground



Do you have a lot of these?
I'm interested in this but won't be able to get some for a few weeks
Might be interested. I'm currently on my phone so I need to get on ky computer a little later. Is it 12 in a bunch?



Still can't sell enough, still growing faster then I can sell. The bottom picture is what one order looks like. Still going for $1.75, however for every 3 purchased, get two free.
I'm thinking of getting some but wanted to know how tall did these get in your tank? Just for my comparison of my tank to your picture.

I'm thinking of carpeting my 40 gallon with a Dual T5HO.

Also how long will it take for delivery? Starting the day you ship it will arrive around Wednesday/Thursday? I prefer Monday shipping just in case I need to pick it up at the post office. Since they close on the weekends.

Sorry it's my first time buying from the classified section.
I'm thinking of getting some but wanted to know how tall did these get in your tank? Just for my comparison of my tank to your picture.

I'm thinking of carpeting my 40 gallon with a Dual T5HO.

Also how long will it take for delivery? Starting the day you ship it will arrive around Wednesday/Thursday? I prefer Monday shipping just in case I need to pick it up at the post office. Since they close on the weekends.

They get up to about 4 inches tall and as far as comparison, my tank is a 40 gallon. Lighting is a little different as I am running 4 T12 Bulbs over it at 6500k. Also I only ship Monday and Wednesday as the issue with the having people have plants sit over the weekend. So feel free to order as much as you like, they grow like wild fire in my tank so carpeting should be rather easy. As for co2, I don't run it and as you can see from my pics, they are doing quite well.

If possible can you try to get most of them to be as close to 4 inches as possible? I need to try and plant these in sand substrate.
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