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Travis, I know this is an old thread, but can you tell me what the foreground plant is? I am at the point where I need to start thinking about foreground in my tank...


I also find that tank extremely inspirational It's one of my favourites! There's just so much going on in there. I know that i could sit and watch that tank for ages!

Is that Brazilian pennywort on the left? I am thinking about getting some of that. Also what is that bright green spikey leaved plant in the center directly underneath the word 'after'?
I would ask more but i'd be here all night!
Thanks guys :) I'm currently growing out a new aquascape so, unfortunately, the tank no longer looks quite like this. I'll post some pics when it's more developed.

MyCatsDrool - you have an open invitation to come over and lick the glass on my tank any time (watch out for the dog snot though :wink: )

LWB - I find that I have to replant the stargrass about once a month to keep it from getting out of control. The lower stems tend to get shaded by the bushy upper growth, and will then begin to rot. It doesn't help that my fish like to play around in it and often uproot it with their thrashing. I've had similar problems with Didiplis diandra. It grows decently in my hard water but I've noticed that it does much better in softer water.

godzilla - Purrbox is correct (as always :) ), the foreground plant you are looking at is Downoi. It is a slow grower, so it takes a long time to fill in the foreground, but once it does it is one of the most maintenance-free foregrounds you can imagine. It can go months without any trimming at all. Of course soon after this picture was taken my Mbuna decided they liked the taste of mature Downoi and ate nearly all of it :(

Satsumas - You are correct that is pennywort (Hydrocotyle verticellata) on the left. I think the spiky bright green plant you are looking at is stargrass (Heteranthera zosterifolia). It is a great looking plant but can quickly get unruly.
nice! i just started planting with a little luck and alot of advice from all it might look a little like that lol
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