That's where my problem is we have a generator to power most of the house. We just turn it off at night cuz it's outside the bedroom windows. And it makes a lot of noise. I was thinkin about some kinda DIY hook up with car battery's or something
DIY some kind of silencer to the jenny, in an emergency power out in my old place I used a 2 stroke jenny for main systems, filters, heaters at lowest T. for stock. It was hassle changing all the plugs on the occasions I used it, you would be doing it every night.
A gas heater in the room will ensure heaters work less-must be monitored! After a bit of testing a time can be estimated to keep temp up in room overnight. 2-3 hours on, door closed, heater off, alarm clock!
Insulate tanks, glass is not ideal for keeping heat in.
Use exhaust repair tape, fire gum (high temp putty for exhausts), muffler from maybe a 50cc motor cycle, needs extensive research to acquire suitable bore diameter. It isn't silent but it is greatly reduced.
Box in jenny, line with sound dampening HEAT PROOF material, see under car bonnet/hood for details.
Exhaust needs an outlet hole, air intake needs cool fresh air.