Badis badis (sp. scarlet)

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 6, 2006
Hi, has anyone got any experience with keeping the scarlet variety of Badis badis?
I'm on a hunt for a centerpiece-esque fish for my community setup, and would like to try something new. I can get hold of these; they look pretty bright and perky but I wondered if anyone had kept them before? I've read various info sheets on them already, just want to know about peoples experiences
I would say if you can get them then do it! When I first saw them at my LFS a few years ago I bought every one they had available and was very pleased. They need to be kept with peaceful tankmates like small rasboras or tetras, I kept ten of them in a planted 29gal with a school of Orange Chelas, Pygmy cories, and a few Clown Killies which made for a really nice display.
They are now, properly, Dario dario. I have kept them very successfully in a 5-10g planyed tank either on their own or with some pygmy corys or shrimp, and possibly an oto.
Toirtis, am I right in thinking they were reclassified from Badis bengalensis in that case?

Toddnbecka: that should be ok; I have BBGs in the same tank that only eat live food (mainly bloodworm actually), so they'd have to join the fray with them!

I'm still not sure about them yet: they look pretty small so I'd probably have to get a group only I'm after a main centerpiece (either single or pair of fish). Not after angels, or other cichlids though.
Will keep looking!
Sorry, but that's an unproven myth going around. Check out my signature for a link to the Gobioid Research Institute for further information, but you may also want to look at the issue of there being three distinct types of BBGs too.
There are, unfortunately, many incorrect assertions about brackish environments/species out there. I recommend Neale Monks' Brackish FAQ too for anyone interested in this area.

Anyway, back on topic: I think I'm going to leave off the scarlet badis just b/c they're actually fairly small so I'd need a large-ish group of them which defeats the point of a centrepiece fish I suppose. Think I might opt for an appropriate pair of cichlids if I can come up with identifying one (already got some great tips of people here so far in the cichlid area!)
Toirtis said:
toddnbecka said:
The only drawback is that they will only eat live food.

Rubbish....mine thrived on frozen daphnia, frozen rotifers, frozen baby brine shrimp and micro pellets.

Let's not overgeneralize here - I've heard of several starving themselves for lack of live food (mine did). I'd advise not getting one unless you're willing to go live in the event they consistently refuse what you usually feed.
I'm going to bring this thread back from the dead because my LFS just got some of these in yesterday and I am very interested in getting four of them (but only if I can get both males and females). It is my intent to put them in a 10 gallon planted tank with some dwarf cories (C. habrosus) and a couple of otos. I don't have any live food prepared and haven't been interested in that until now because I live in an apartment with limited space. Does anyone have suggestions on live food that doesn't take up much room and would be appropriate for these fish? Also does anyone else have experience with feeding these fish with foods other than live ones (i.e. frozen)?

I fed mine frozen brineshrimp, thats about the only type small enough for them to take the bloodworms are a bit big. They like blackworms and they only take up a tiny space in the fridge.
Back from the dead.....again!

I have a chance to pick up a few of these. I was just wondering if anyone here has had success in breeding them? Live food is not too much of an issue. I can't get my hands on blackworms but hatching brine for them is easy enough.
Does anyone know how dario dario's interact with shrimp? I would expect them to eat the baby that correct? Do they try to eat the adult shrimp (if they are small enough)?

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