Bala Shark Injury

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 10, 2009
I checked the other postings but did not find an answer to my specific issue. I have a five year old Bala shark who is a nervous Nelly. Yesterday, I was re-planting and rearranging the tank and he freaked out and scraped himself against some driftwood and severed his right pectoral fin at the base and also injured his eye. His eye is very cloudy and pinkish red, and he seems a bit sluggish trying to move with only one pect. What should I do? I really love him and I am very attached to him. I don't want him to suffer.

He is eating as usual but just seems out of it. Can the fin regenerate? I know he's not a lizard or anything but I often wondered if it was possible.

I have a 55 gallon with neons, bloodfins, emperors, a clown loach, and a huge pleco but no one else is bothering Sharky at all.
Sorry to say but fish dont regenerate anything :/ He will either be a handicapped, or will die from the stress. Sorry. :/
Zer0 is somewhat right, however he MAY improve with a little TLC...

a) Quarantine him in a decent-sized tank/bucket/tub etc WITH a heater and a sponge filter (or any gentle filter without carbon- carbon removes medications from the water). He is better off quarantined to ease stress and reduce the risk of infection.

b) Add stress coat as per the instructions on the bottle (the double-dose to promote tissue regrowth)

c) Add aquarium salt to stave off infection and keep his electrolytes up.

d) Check often for fungus/complications.

This worked for my betta when he got stuck in a terra-cotta pot, ripping the scales off his head. He was up to speed again in about 3 weeks...

Although he may be handicapped, it is likely that he is favoring his injured limb right now. His swimming may get a little better after the pain dissapates.

Then again, only you know exactly how injured your fish is... it may be more humane to put him down if it looks particularly serious.

Good luck and remember- lots of PWCs!
i hate to say it, but if the bala survives, its time to say goodbye. That bala is too large for a 55 gallon tank. I just gave away my 6 yr old bala shark (in a 55 gallon tank) yesterday. He would freak out and would nearly knock himself out. I decided i would rahter have the fish survive than to have it die in my tank.
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