Bala Shark Owners

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When I kept a Bala a long time ago, I'd feed it normal flake food, and the occasional frozen bloodworms (about once a week I'd say).
My bala eats flakes (regular & spirulina-based), pellets (algae & carnivore), frozen bloodworms & brine shrimp, freeze-dried tubifex, peas, lettuce, and algae. They do love their veggies. I'm sure they'd even eat fruits. :wink:
My 6 get an assortment of flakes, pellets, live river shrimp, live crickets, live bloodworm (jumbo and regular), live daphnia, frozen bloodworm, frozen daphnia, frozen mussles, frozen prawns, courgettes and cucumber.
I have had a bala in every community tank i have had, and they eat whatever. I feed mine mostly flakes and life brine about once a week. I have seen where some people have wrote that they are agressive and will attack other fish. I have personally never had a problem. my current bala is a healthy 8 inches, and is in a tank with small tetras and lifebearers and does not bother anyone. He speads most of his time swimming among a school of giant danios.
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