Bamboo shrimp possibly burnt by heater???

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 24, 2012
About a week ago, we walked in on our healthy, happy Bamboo Shrimp (Pinky) hanging on to the heater. The next day, we couldn't find him. Which isn't something necessarily unusual (he likes to hide in our colosseum to molt and such).. When he came out of hiding, he was as pale as he was the first day we got him from Petco, and we noticed a cyst-like bubble on his side. This immediately freaked us out, of course, and I began to look up tumors, cysts, etc. Google was no help with any information.. So, we waited a few days. He is now back to his normal bright red color, and eating again. Although he seems to be okay, he has what looks like a blister from being burnt in place of what I originally thought to be a cyst or tumor. Is it possible for him to have been burned that badly from our heater? If so, will he heal okay?

HELP! I need somebody.
Welcome to the forum.

I've had multiple fish sit on the heater just hanging out, with no ill effects. Is it possible you have a defective heater?
I suppose there is always a chance of having a defective heater.. However, it has always been, to my knowledge, consistent with staying at the right temperature.
As far as the possibility of an exoskeleton bubbling out when burnt, I have no idea. That's why I'm asking, Ha.
A quick update: He/she has seemed to be doing okay lately (eating again, fanning in one place for a good amount of time, and back to a good color)... Until about 15 minutes ago... I looked in the tank and he/she is scavenging and pale again. I really don't know what to do about it?? Is my only option to just wait it out?
Thank you so much for your responses!
I don't have advice as to what it might actually be caused by, but I was thinking of you yesterday. I was watching my tank and the ghost shrimps were hanging out on the heater. Standing on the heater. With no issues.

So, you've got something else going on there. Again, unless it's a defective heater.
Have you checked your parameters? What is the tank size? Do you supplement his diet? Are any of your fish showing signs of illness or strange behavior?

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