Battle w/ & Life Cycle of Velvet

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 16, 2010
Two weeks ago I noticed an outbreak of Velvet in my 55g (I thought it was Ich until several days later I noticed Ich in my 75g which thankfully I was able to quickly eradicate with heat alone rather quickly). At the time the tank consisted of 1x Pictus 1x Oto 4x Upside-Downs (12x Cherry barbs waiting in QT) 3x Cyperus Helferi and 1x Amazon Sword. Stuck with Catfish and plants, I was left with upping the heat slowly and added 1TBS/5g Aquarium Salt (I HATE Malachite Green) and the lights perma off. The velvet exploded on my pictus and was gone in 2 days. I had to put down 2x upside-downs the next day and one I though would make it died while I was away for the weekend. I popped in Tetra Paraguard waited two days and impatiently plopped in my Cherry barbs, which started showing dots shortly thereafter.

I've been able to manage until now with the heat still up and W/Cs but the barbs were getting clampy and I noticed one of my barbs scratching yesterday so today I decided to go Mid-evil on its ***. I set up a second QT with the fish (12x Cherrys, 1x Upside-Down, 1x Oto) in new water and started treatment with CopperSafe. My fish are still healthily eating and are unclamping. I moved my plants to my 1st QT tank which has my new Pictus waiting. I removed the decor and drained the tank while cleaning the substrate (PFS).

My question is what about my PFS and decor? I know Velvet has a 24-48 life span without a host in water, but can it survive dryness at all like Ich can? Obviously I'm going to rinse my decor (3 ceramic pieces; 2 driftwood pieces) with hot water, but what about the sand? I'm not going to be able to reset the tank up until next week regardless of the health of the fish. When that time comes will the PFS and decor be safe?

I guess this is a blessing in disguise as now I can put a layer of plant substrate in....any suggestions on which one?

P.S. as far as I can tell my Oto still isn't showing physical/behavioral symptoms. I've had him for 5 months and what he's been through he's as hardy as a Mosquitofish!

I would take all the sand out, rinse it with a 10:1 vinegar solution, and let it dry in the sun. Then I would rinse rinse rinse until it didn't smell like vinegar anymore. When I set the tank back up, I would put straight tap water in there, and let it sit for an hour. See if it still smells like vinegar (hope not). Then I would add the dechlor and then turn the filters on.
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