Beard algae and algae eaters

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 27, 2003
New York
Howdy from NYC--

Now I know that algae eaters won't eat beard algae, however, I was wondering what type of algae eaters are good for planted tanks anyway? I have a 75 gal planted and want to purchase some algae eaters to eat around.

Also, I am starting to experience a beard algae problem. It is in it's beginning stages and I want to know what the BEST and SAFEST way to kill it is. Now I was at a LFS and they told me there is a "spray" that is now available. They said they used in in their own display freshwater planted tanks and said it was completely safe. Does anyone know what spray this may be? It comes in a silver spray bottle. Does anyone have experience with this particular product?

Otherwise, what are the standard ways of combating beard algae?

thanks for the help!
Siamese Algae Eaters (SAE) will eat Beard Algae. If you can find true SAEs (watch out for Flying Foxes which are not SAEs and are aggressive) they are the best algae controllers for a planted tank. Just make sure that the lines that run down their bodies are jagged, not smooth. Smooth are Flying Foxes. An uninformed LFS will often call Flying Foxes SAEs.

Another way to combat the beard algae is with fermented Barley straw. Your better LFS may have it. It is expensive, but just put it in your filter and let it break down and it will help eliminate beard algae. I recommend manual removal of as much as possible before starting just to decrease the time it takes.
Now I was at a LFS and they told me there is a "spray" that is now available. They said they used in in their own display freshwater planted tanks and said it was completely safe. Does anyone know what spray this may be? It comes in a silver spray bottle. Does anyone have experience with this particular product?

Flora APM, supposed to be a concentrate of the active ingredient in barley straw, deters algae growth.

Yes I have used it since my 90 was set up about 6 months ago. I have still had several types of algae outbreaks. The stuff is obviously not perfect, but I have no way of knowing if I hadn't used it, would the algae have been worse?

I can't totally endorse the product, but I'm still using it, (the bottle lasts a long time) and probably will continue to do so.

Also, totally agree with Bearfans advice. I have 9 SAE's and they do a good job.
Thanks guys...
Gonna get the stuff today. Just have to look up pics of the SAE's.
So far the tank is looking good.

Just wanted to ask as well, what are the BEST ways to prevent algae outbreaks? Clean water changes, etc?

Just wanted to ask as well, what are the BEST ways to prevent algae outbreaks? Clean water changes, etc?

30-50% a week is recommended (but see below). Also, you need to keep all the nutrients in balance. Frankly, IMO, you need a chemistry degree to figure out all that stuff. I'll freely admit I can't do it. Nitrate, Phosphate, Potassium, I have no clue.

My way: (keep in mind I have had several algae outbreaks, but none severe lately)

Regular water changes, 25% per week. Pretty heavy fish and plant load, (IMO, the fish food and waste provide most of what the plants need in the way of nitrates),
use an Iron supplement, to keep your red palnts red. I use Leaf Zone, but many others use the Seachem line of products. My water changes take care of the rest of the chemicals needed by plants.

Mine is a lazy man's way of doing things, far from perfect, but it works for me. I do my regular maintenance, but refuse to be slave to the tank.

I've been reading and participating in some other boards dedicated to planted tanks, and though those folks are definitley better at aquascaping, I think my plants and fish are just as happy as theirs. If you want to check out the other boards, I'll provide you links.

Edit, one more thing, don't deep-clean the gravel when changing water, just skim the surface of the gravel to remove ugly stuff, dead leaves, large pockets of buildup and such, let most of the fish waste descend into the gravel, where it will fertilize your plants and keep your trace elements up to the levels the plants need.
Thanks for that. That is fantastic. I am just gonna increase my water changes to once a week now. Before I did it every 2 weeks.

I already use the iron supplement. Plants are looking great. Just the freakin algae is buggin me. Now does the Flora APM kill existing beard algae in the tank? Or is strictly preventative. In which case, what is the best way to kill existing beard algae without harming my plants?

Now does the Flora APM kill existing beard algae in the tank? Or is strictly preventative. In which case, what is the best way to kill existing beard algae without harming my plants?

Get some SAE's for sure. Also, your tank is pretty new, insofar as the upgrades(lighting, Co2) you have done. It is VERY common to go through a few kinds of algae outbreaks during the "tank balancing" time, up to 4-6months. In my case, what the SAE's didn't eat just eventually died off as the plants began to out-compete the algae for available nutrients. That is the ultimate goal in algae control, your plants use the nutrients before the algae can get them!

The flora APM, Frankly, I'm not sure what it does! But as I said before, my outbreaks were pretty few, and short-lived, so I do think it helps.

Are you rearanging the plants much? that can release nutrients from substrate, allowing algae to get a foot hold.

Also, I seem to recall you are using some plant tabs or another substrate fert.? make sure to bury them deep, so they stay down with the roots, and don't leach into the water column.
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