Plant Identification?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 8, 2024
Los Angeles
Does anyone know what plant this is? I got it in a plant mystery box and it was unlabeled the bag just said "float plant" on it. It's been about a month and I love they way it's grown out and would love to buy more I just don't know what it's called any help would be appreciated!


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It's called Floating Bamboo, Hygroryza aristata. It's the only grass species that thrives in aquariums. The roots are good shelter for fish and shrimp. It grows well but won't spread madly to take over your tank.

It can be hard to find, so if you can't buy any (does the seller have any more? Mystery boxes are often put together to spur sales of whatever's in there) it can be easily propagated by simply cutting a piece off. It will start growing quickly.

It's really a good looking plant! There are several bamboo types; most likely you've seen the one that looks like miniature standing bamboo. So the Latin name is important to distinguish exactly what you're looking for.
It's called Floating Bamboo, Hygroryza aristata. It's the only grass species that thrives in aquariums. The roots are good shelter for fish and shrimp. It grows well but won't spread madly to take over your tank.

It can be hard to find, so if you can't buy any (does the seller have any more? Mystery boxes are often put together to spur sales of whatever's in there) it can be easily propagated by simply cutting a piece off. It will start growing quickly.

It's really a good looking plant! There are several bamboo types; most likely you've seen the one that looks like miniature standing bamboo. So the Latin name is important to distinguish exactly what you're looking for.
Thank you so much! I love the way this plant looks and wanted to get more for my 20gallon. I have this plant in my 10 gallon Betta tank and it thriving, the little guy loves to hide in the roots. I was trying to figure out what it was for the last month so thanks for the help!
Right, it's so pretty I'm now thinking of getting some also...thank you too :)
He ships everything out super fast and everything came in amazing condition. He even has a service to make sure plants are completely snail free if you're worried about that! I've bought from him a few times and have had excellent experiences each time :)
Thank you! I've had good experiences with Etsy sellers too. There's a guy I buy lotus pods from for my shrimp, his name is Paulie and his shop is VivariumsInTheMist. Really nice fellow and sends freebies sometimes. Thanks for your tip! Your seller has an interesting shop.
Thank you! I've had good experiences with Etsy sellers too. There's a guy I buy lotus pods from for my shrimp, his name is Paulie and his shop is VivariumsInTheMist. Really nice fellow and sends freebies sometimes. Thanks for your tip! Your seller has an interesting shop.
Lotus pods? For like a pond set-up I'm guessing? I've been trying to find aquatic plants that flower for smaller tanks but I'm not sure there are very many :(
They're dried, like what you see for dried flower arrangements. Used for dry tanks like vivariums (frogs, etc.) and for aquariums like ours. They're attractive decor, and shrimp love them: lotus pods provide shelter and food (imagine a hotel where all your friends live and you can eat it too). They take a few days to sink, even if soaked overnight before adding to the tank. But the shrimp don't mind.

They must be bought from someone who's specifically selling for a tank with living creatures, as you'll find plenty for dried arrangements that have essential oils or are old and dusty.

BTW, your seller has a listing for that floating bamboo. And everything else in their shop looks pretty special. If you don't see anything there that shows flowering plants, ask them. This person seems knowledgable. If all else fails, search online for"aquarium flowering plants live", hit "images", and you'll find sources. Most sellers give a description of how long before they flower, growth rate, etc.
They're dried, like what you see for dried flower arrangements. Used for dry tanks like vivariums (frogs, etc.) and for aquariums like ours. They're attractive decor, and shrimp love them: lotus pods provide shelter and food (imagine a hotel where all your friends live and you can eat it too). They take a few days to sink, even if soaked overnight before adding to the tank. But the shrimp don't mind.

They must be bought from someone who's specifically selling for a tank with living creatures, as you'll find plenty for dried arrangements that have essential oils or are old and dusty.

BTW, your seller has a listing for that floating bamboo. And everything else in their shop looks pretty special. If you don't see anything there that shows flowering plants, ask them. This person seems knowledgable. If all else fails, search online for"aquarium flowering plants live", hit "images", and you'll find sources. Most sellers give a description of how long before they flower, growth rate, etc.
I never thought about lotus pods for decor like that. Pretty cool I might check it out for my shrimp tank
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