Bed time fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 22, 2011
Do fish know when its almost time for bed its about 10 min till lights out and all my fish are chillin like they know its bed time is that possible
Your fish have cots? I'm kidding....

Once fish get in a routine, they learn pretty quick. My tanks are all on timers. The lights come on and go off every day at the same time. I've noticed that as it gets close to time for them to shut off, they don't get out and roam around as much, they kind of stick close to where they sleep.
I agree fish no the routine, They know when the lights are coming on and off, when it is dinner time. I thin k they see the python and say, water change time.
I know that later in the evening my rainbow shark goes into one of the logs at the bottom of our tank. I also notice the rosey barbs tend to stay closer together just about when the lights are about to go out in the tank.
fish learn routines faster then people realize. when i leave for the weekend and my tanks are on timers and i come home i tend to leave the automatic feeders in for a few days and around the time that the feeder goes off they are up at the to near the feeder waiting for the food
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