Beginner Filter: Eheim 2213 Canister vs. Emperor 280 HOB

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 29, 2003
Toronto CANADA
This is my first post and any and all help is very much appreciated! I am a beginner that just purchased my first aquarium. It's a 30 gal. and plan to set up a basic tropical freshwater community tank.

Purchased a Eheim classic 2213 canister filter on a great boxing day sale at BigAl's ... but am wondering if I bought the right filter for my tank? A friend swears by the Emperor 280.

I noticed that the Eheim 2213 is rated for 116 gal. per hour and have been reading that I should have ten times water turnover per hour - so is the Eheim enough? Should I return it and get the Emperor... or do I get both? I notice that a lot of posts have both canister and HOB.

Do I have enough, too much or too little filtration?
I don't know that you need 10x for FW, I know I never have. I've got an emporer 400 and love it. It's been realiable enough for me over the last decade.
I am a big fan of Eheims and I think it is fine for that tank. I use a 2215 on my 44gal. They are a minor pain to maintain, but you don't have to do it very often, and this filter will last you almost forever, with silent operation. If you can get a good deal on one, then you are doing better than most, as they are usually pretty pricey. I do not believe they move as much water as they are rated to move, as I read somewhere (I may be wrong or misinformed, though) that they rate their flow without any media present.
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