Beginner snail questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 18, 2005
What exactly do you do to get enough snails in the tank so that there isn't an excess or depletion of snails? Is that even possible? How many should I start off buying? What is a good kind to buy? I have five clown loaches; they range in size from one inch to about two inches. I just want to give them something different. I thought the snails might be a treat and a quirk factor for the tank.
If you have another small tank around, start a snail only tank. I have a snail and shrimp tank, but feel the glass shrimp eat a lot of the young snails and eggs. That way you can raise a lot more to keep the loaches happy. Afraid with loaches you wont be able to build up much of a colony of snails in the main tank :( . I have one yoyo loach in my comunity tank that I got to reduce a snail infestation. He almost wiped them all out.
I agree. Start a small snail only tank. You can even get babies from the LFS or pest snails from local aquarists. My clown loaches keep my snail population very much at bay. :)
Thanks! I'll try to get that project going, then. A couple of more questions....
Just how many snails would a loach eat in a day or so?
Do the snails need a full-on tank with filter and heater?

Devilish, cute picture!
Hey Janmitch- my background settings for AA is a dark blue (and it might be for some other members as well), so when you use dark colors, its hard for me to read =o)

For a snail tank you probably just need an aerator to keep the water circulating and make sure the water stays kind of warm- but not bitter cold- you might be able to accomplish this with out a heater.
i think the loaches eat them pretty quickly. the other day i noticed that there were a WHOLE bunch of tiny apple snail babies in my tank. within a few days they were all gone. i have 4 clown loahces (all over 3") and 3 yoyo loaches. alas--no more baby snails. but i have a snail only tank that is pumping out red ramshorns like crazy...
oww my eyes! your font color is killing me. Well, when i first got loaches...I had a huge snail population...several weeks snails. I was snail free for almost a year. they are slowly returning

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