best algae eater for....

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 19, 2005
Pompton Lakes, New Jersey
What is the best algae eater for a 10 gallon tank with fuzz and hair algae? There are 3 black phantom tetras and a dwarf yellow gourami.
The plants in the tank are below

well ottos are good for smaller tanks but they do not eat the hair algea. i dont think there is an algea eater that stays small that eats hair algea. u might want to look into getting a true sae for the hair algea but he will outgrow that tank eventually.
Black mollies will eat BBA, not sure if they will also eat regular hair algae. SAE will eat pretty much any algae but get to large for a 10Gal tank.

If there are only a few plants affected have you thought of dipping them in a bleach/water mix.. I can't remember the mix (think it's 30parts water : 1 part bleach) for 5 minutes, you'ld have to do a search on plant dips.. about the only effective way.

Co2 will also treat most algaes.. I see you have this already, what is your PH and KH readings?
A dwarf bristlenose pleco will clean the algae out in no time, if it's an adult. They max out at 4", though are more commonly sold much smaller/younger. A small one will take a little longer to do the job, but they are the best algae eaters around.
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