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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 17, 2013
Hi,I wanted to ask you a question since you have ciclids. I have a 30g tank and the water turn almost brown every two weeks. I was thinking to change the filter to the Fluval 406 but I dont now if is going to be to much. If it is to much I also was thinking on the Fluval 306. But before I invest I want the opinion of someone who knows more than me, so I really apreciate your help. Thanks
You should be good with the 306, but you can never have to much filtration. The 306 is rated for 75gal, so if you putting it on a 30 gal that should be more then enough.
Do you have a lot of driftwood in there? A large piece will turn your water tea colored in about 4 days.
It could potentially be an algae bloom. Too much light or nutrients in the water will cause it to grow. If you have driftwood in the tank then regular water changes as well as fresh carbon in your filter will clear it up
The tannins that leaches from the wood will not harm your fish. It's good if you want to reduce the Ph in your tank. I wouldn't use carbon to remove it. Polishing pads will do the trick. You can use pillow stuffing that you can get at a craft store.
Hi,I wanted to ask you a question since you have ciclids. I have a 30g tank and the water turn almost brown every two weeks. I was thinking to change the filter to the Fluval 406 but I dont now if is going to be to much. If it is to much I also was thinking on the Fluval 306. But before I invest I want the opinion of someone who knows more than me, so I really apreciate your help. Thanks

I think that shouldn't use soft wood but hard one less tannin. And boil it in hot water. It will leach less tannin.
Just a suggestion only

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