Best online freshwater fish selection online

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 22, 2012
Willow Grove PA
I dont have any really good LFS in my area. Just a petsmart with a very limited selection. Liveaquaria seems to be pretty good but people here talk about fish that I dont see on that site.
Can anyone recommend the best online store?

Moderators, I know you have sponsors here so if this thread violates any rules here that I didnt know about, I apologize!
Liveaquaria is really overpriced. I wouldn't order anything from them personally unless I absolutely couldn't find it anywhere else. is a good site if you have something in mind. I also suggest perusing the classifieds section on here because there are some some great members with awesome stock. :)
Thank you... Just to be clear, Im looking for freshwater not saltwater sites. Thanks for your take absolut
I also recommend looking the the regional section and finding other people from PA and maybe they know of a place near-ish to you.
I also recommend looking the the regional section and finding other people from PA and maybe they know of a place near-ish to you.

There are 1 or 2 huge online stores that are within an hour drive of me, but Im a newb and wanted to research what each fish charachteristics are first so I can get the correct stock for my 120 gallon build. Cant remember the names of the places though \:facepalm:
What stores have you tried so far? You live around the corner from me (im in horsham). Theres The Hidden Reef, Captain Nemos, The Fish Factory, & if you want to take an hr drive, The Aquarium Center. It really depends on what you are looking for- both The Hidden Reef & The Fish Factory (both in Bristol 1/2hr drive) will take orders for fish within reason.
What stores have you tried so far? You live around the corner from me (im in horsham). Theres The Hidden Reef, Captain Nemos, The Fish Factory, & if you want to take an hr drive, The Aquarium Center. It really depends on what you are looking for- both The Hidden Reef & The Fish Factory (both in Bristol 1/2hr drive) will take orders for fish within reason.

I have only looked online but will check out your recommendations. Funny finding someone literally 2 mins from me. Hidden reef sounds like saltwater fish. Im trying to figure out what I want to stock in my 120. Im doing full research though. temps, temperment, et cetra. Im not just going to petsmart and going Ill take 2 of them, 1 of them 3 of them just cause they are "cool". Trying to do this like the people here, the right way(y)
The Reef does do some freshwater & is HUGE. They even have an indoor koi pond. The Fish Factory is a small, mom & pop type place but they are very nice when I have been there. Captain Nemos (norristown) has gone downhill a bit but still has variety. When you figure out what you would like to stock, I would call them all & see if they stock anything your looking for. It may be less expensive to have the Reef or the Factory order fish for you vs buying online. For hard to find specimens, def check online. If your looking for goldfish, these are not the right places to go. Nice to meet you!!! :)
You too man.... No goldfish.... I was gonna go all peaceful fish but the selection is limited so Ive moved up to semi agressive. Looking at red tail shark, angels, et cetra. still going through the process. Hours and hours of looking and researching
Probably farther than you want to drive, but there's always That Fish Place in Lancaster. At the very least you can use them in your research and see if one of the places that jlk mentioned will order for you.

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