Best way to get fish to eat new types of food (zucchini)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 22, 2007
I bought some zucchini for my rainbows but they don't want to eat it. i read somewhere that zucchini is good for rainbows, but mine dont eat it. Are there any good ways to get fish to eat new foods? they peck at it when i put it in but then they dont touch or eat any of it.
Try blanching it for a minute or two before putting it in the tank. Over time they will recognize it as a food source. Don't leave it in the tank for more than 24 hours, it gets slimy and clouds the tank.
I also cut the seeds out of the center, It gives them a ruff spot to pick at and you will have less of a mess in the tank after they start eating it. It may take a few attempts to get them to try it.
Blanching is a good idea. Also, if you happen to buy minced garlic in a jar just rub a small amount of the garlic juice on the zucchini. This should get them going. Garlic is a favourite of fish and is actually very good for them. Most of the premium prepared foods contain garlic.
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