Betta always stressed?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 29, 2011
I have a female betta in my 2.5 cycled tank. I've had the tank up for about 4 months? My betta is a female & I do PWC weekly & feed her every other day. My filter is working fine & my heater is steady at 77? But for some reason my female she eats & swims but she always has stress lines which is weird since I don't know why. I've had her since october. Anyone can give me any thoughts?
Could be :/ but theres little plants at the bottom & one medium plant thats only on one side & this is only my temp tank. Do you think a 10 gallon would be okay?
I think she'd love a 10 gallon. At that point, you could perhaps attempt some pygmy corys or a snail with her.
I sure hope so, I hate to see her stressed! & how many do you think could I have in there? I've heard cories like to be in groups but I don't wanna overstock.
Could be :/ but theres little plants at the bottom & one medium plant thats only on one side & this is only my temp tank. Do you think a 10 gallon would be okay?
a 10 gallon would be tons better than a 2.5 gallon!
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