Betta Breeding questions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 29, 2014
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Iv got this veil tail continually working on bubble nests every time I do waterchanges. Iv had betta's a long time but have never allowed one to mate, what is the procedure? How many babies will they have?
He's acting depressed or something now idk what's up, he still forms the bubble nest but hasn't eaten in two days
He wants a female. You can expect around 200 fry but they will only eat live food.
It's a fairly involved process but its also nearly impossible to unload all the bettas once you have the babies full grown.

You have to introduce the female to the male without allowing them access to each other. A vase is usually used for this. Then wait for the betta to build a bubble nest while fattening the female up. When the female fattens up with eggs then you can introduce them for short periods while they do their business. After they are done remove the female.

It's a very harsh process on female bettas. The tank needs to be bare bottomed with little to no flow.
This guy that breeds betta's for his store says out of the 50 or so fry only around eight will make it to a good size where you know they'll grow to adults
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