So my girlfriend has a 10 gallon tank with a Betta, 2 platies, and 2 corys. The betta is a male that lived in a fish bowl for about a year and a half and the last 6 months he has lived with the 2 corys in the 10 gallon.
Since we have moved (3 weeks ago) I have added the platies and everything seems fine. Last week the betta started to exhibit some strange behavior.
The betta will either hide in his rock cave for days or just lay on the rocks lifeless. He does not swim like he used to and he does not have any spots on him which would indicate ick.
I treat all my water changes with Seachem's Prime and the filter is a TOPFIN 15 with a filter that has not been changed in the last year. I have washed the filter, but I am scared to change it and shock the rest of the fish. Water temp is at 78 F. The tank does not currently have an air stone, but the Betta has never had an air stone in any of his tanks.
I am scare that the Betta is about to die. I would not care, but the girlfriend has a strong emotional attachment to "Gilgamesh" and has cried a few times in the past week when she will see him laying on the rocks.
Please help! Thanks.
Since we have moved (3 weeks ago) I have added the platies and everything seems fine. Last week the betta started to exhibit some strange behavior.
The betta will either hide in his rock cave for days or just lay on the rocks lifeless. He does not swim like he used to and he does not have any spots on him which would indicate ick.
I treat all my water changes with Seachem's Prime and the filter is a TOPFIN 15 with a filter that has not been changed in the last year. I have washed the filter, but I am scared to change it and shock the rest of the fish. Water temp is at 78 F. The tank does not currently have an air stone, but the Betta has never had an air stone in any of his tanks.
I am scare that the Betta is about to die. I would not care, but the girlfriend has a strong emotional attachment to "Gilgamesh" and has cried a few times in the past week when she will see him laying on the rocks.
Please help! Thanks.