Betta Safe Plants?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2011
Ohio and Kentucky ;)
Hi! I am moving my betta to a 5 gallons tank soon and I was wondering what are some good plants and flooring I could use? I want to make it look very mysterious, because my fish looks magical (lol I sound like I'm describing a unicorn.) I'd like some flowy plants that aren't going to hurt my fish if he tries to swim through them, his fins are too beautiful. Also, what would be a good base? Are there any short mossy plants I could use to coat the bottom? Should I use sand?

Just give me a few pointers here, I hate the fake plants.
java moss or guppy grass for carpet effect, foxtail frill, java moss is pretty easy, i've had great success w/ hornwort, all depends what you want and what your lighting is :)
It all depends on the lighting and if you want to use co2 or liquid ferts. I would use some java moss, marimo balls, and some type of fern or sword/background plant....
As long as they are real plants, they wont hurt him.

If you havent done plants before... any kind of low light plants like crypts, java ferns, or anubias are pretty un-demanding.

I've done sand before, and honestly I wouldn't recommend it again. It's pretty, but it's really light. If you have a strong filter it can disrupt it a lot, and getting the plants to stay under the sand can be annoying. It stirs up easily.

My new favorite substrate for plants is flourite black:
Seachem. Flourite Black
The pieces aren't as big as gravel, and not as small as sand.
As long as they are real plants, they wont hurt him.

If you havent done plants before... any kind of low light plants like crypts, java ferns, or anubias are pretty un-demanding.

I've done sand before, and honestly I wouldn't recommend it again. It's pretty, but it's really light. If you have a strong filter it can disrupt it a lot, and getting the plants to stay under the sand can be annoying. It stirs up easily.

My new favorite substrate for plants is flourite black:
Seachem. Flourite Black
The pieces aren't as big as gravel, and not as small as sand.

Thanks! It'll really look good in Sachiel's tank, too :)
I keep a few small strands of anacharis in my betta tanks. With the ambient light plus the little light on the tank, they seem to do well. I have white gravel as a substrate. The bettas dont mind the anacharis and I have even caught one of mine resting on a loop like it was a swing. :lol:
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