Betta with Danios?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 28, 2011
I'm cycling my 26 gal right now and have a few danios in there just get things moving. The size and relative emptiness of the tank (just a few fake plants) made me think that my betta wouldn't mind an upgrade from his 1 gal bowl.

He seemed fine for a couple days. He did spit out his food though, each and every pellet. I consulted a guy at a pet store I trust and he said it was probably stress and to give it up to a week before trying a softer food like blood worms.

But yesterday we noticed the male danios outright nipping at the betta's tail. I was fine when the betta would flare up and intimidate the danios — they just swim away —*but the betta was simply annoyed. He moved to a different location and they followed him!

So I moved him back. He seems a bit, well, calmer now.

I was thinking if I added some more hiding places, the betta might do better in the community tank. Or should I just leave him in his own world. Thoughts? Thanks!
Adding more danios may calm them down, or at least keep them occupied figuring out a pecking order amongst themselves. However, I had some tetras that were going after my betta and I had to move him from the tank. My nippy fish just could not resist those beautiful fins.
Yeah, how many danios do you have? You may want to add more to reduce aggression.
3 danios. I know they want to be in schools of 6 or more…
Danios aren't great tankmates for betta's in general, but if there's any chance of it working I'd try it with 7+ danios.
siva is right. Danios seem to delight in torturing bettas. I don't think that they can resist nipping those beautiful fins. Some gouramis will react the same way with them, particularly three-spot/blue gouramis.
Arent danios similar to white clouds? They like slightly faster currents? Could be wrong there! Bettas don't really like maybe put some hiding places for the Betta...this could reduce stress from a current as well as provide shelters from the lil meanies! Correct me if I'm wrong! :)
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