Bettas dying

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 14, 2005
I have four bettas and they have always done well. Two are very old. So I decided to get a half moon betta and one of those bubbles that you hang on the wall. (1gallon). I put two silk plants from the LFS designed small for bettas, two lily looking things that float, also designed for bettas and a teracotta pot so he can hide in. I have decoart rocks. I used a water conditioner as well. The first betta died within a week, he would never eat. Now I have had the new one (I cleaned the tank) and he will not eat, it has been two days. What is it? Should I just buy the poor guy a bowl and call it a day? Is it something in the tank? Please help.
Were the previous bettas in the same tank as the one you are housing now? It is normal for fish to not eat for a couple of days until they get familiar with their surroundings. How often do you do water changes in that tank?
I'm sorry about your loss.

I agree is Zagz, a couple of days of not eating after a move is not unusual.

Do you have test kits? (pH, ammonia, nitrite)?

What is the temperature?
There's nothing unusual about a new betta not eating for a few days. One of my bettas, when new, took a whole week to start eating.

I've seen those wall-mounted bubbles for bettas in catalogs. I have never seen one in person, but I can't imagine that it's a very good home for a betta. A one-gallon container will need a water change every day or every other day to make sure ammonia doesn't build up, especially if there's no filter in it. Sometimes small tanks with filters even have trouble cycling. If this bubble design makes it harder for you to do water changes, then I would get a regular bowl. Get the biggest one you can - the more water it holds, the more stable the water is for the betta.

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