BH Tetras swimming sideways...?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 13, 2003
Hi all,

I've just bought 2 bleeding heart tetras for my 10 gal tank. They've been doing fine for the last 2 weeks, but I've discovered them swimming sideways occasionally, kind of curling their tails and swiming on their sides. They're the only fish who do this; I've also got 2 neons, 3 zebra danios, a cory and 1 guppy.

Water quality's fine, though I'm getting my water tested today at the lfs to double check. The tank isn't unhealthily crowded (to my knowledge) and the bh tetras are eating fine, as are all the other fish.

I'm not sure, but it almost looks like there is a small red spot by their tails; the area right in front of the fin has some tiny red streaks which I think weren't there before...does anyone know if bh tetras have red on their bodies naturally? Otherwise, is this a bacterial infection I should start treating? Would raising the temp help? Or adding salt?

Thanks so much!
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