Bi-color Blenny: Reef safe?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 5, 2004
New York
I added a bi-color blenny to my community a few days ago...seemed fine and left the other fish alone, scooting around the rock work. But today, I noticed it would "pick" at my brain coral and fans. I wasn't sure if it was picking gunk off the coral, or actually picking at the meat. I didn't notice any tear/bite marks, or much of a reaction from the brain (such as closing up or shriveling).

1- is this normal behavior?
2- is it really picking at the coral?

I feed a combo of flakes and mysis shrimp every other day. I always see it go after food (can't really tell if it eats or spits any back out though).
I have always heard bi-color blennies to be reef-safe. I'm sure he was just picking at some gunk.
bicolors have been argueed to go either way. My bicolor does not harm my corals but I have heard of it...
He will "scrub" anything in the tank. He is just looking for algae. He probobly is not nipping the coral, but it could iritate it. Just watch him, may have just seen something green he wanted to taste.
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