Bio-Spira Advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 21, 2003
I'm expecting my shipment of Bio-Spira from today and was wondering what the correct procedure for using it is. From what I've read it should be added to a stocked tank. How long should the fish be active in the tank before adding the Bio-Spira? Should I add fish and then wait 24 hours to add the Bio-Spira or add both at same time?
Any help greatly appreciated.
You should add them both at the same time or else the Bio-Spira might not work right. The idea of bio is that you don't have to wait around for your tank to cycle, so you can add fish at the same time. HTH and Good Luck.

I've only used it once and had good results...

I used a 3oz packet on my 55 gal. Bought it with my fish. I gave it a couple of good shakes and squeezed it all into the tank while my new fish were sitting in bags at the top of the tank.

I had 8 juvenile african rift lake cichlids in a totally fresh tank. Within a week and a half I saw nitrates. I never really had a significant ammonia spike and the nitrites came and went without me ever seeing them in a test.

Mine probably took so long because I didn't have a really big bio load on the tank...
Thank you for the information. My daughter is getting really excited to get more fish in this tank - oh alright I am excited too.
Thanks again.
I've used it on three of my tanks now. My cichlid tank, my betta tank, and my eel tank. Works great and I have yet to see any significant amnonia spike, my nitrates and nitrites are all going well. I'm afraid that it will lead to more mts for me tho :)
I know you've done your research, and already know all the fish you are putting in your tank. What I have done is, add the bio spira (shake it up good and then pour it out), and immediately add your fish. Your tank will be beautiful, and your fish won't miss a beat! Some people say you have up to 24 hours to add the fish after adding bio spira which may be true, but remember that the bacteria is hungry, and they begin to die off soon after adding them to the tank, so it's better to add the fish right away. You will be very happy with it, and Bernie's the best!
If you buy to large of a package of bio-spira you will need to refrigerate what you dont use. There is also a expiration date on the product. Everyone needs to keep this in mind when buying this. It is not like many other products you buy for your tanks. None of the stores near me will even stock it because they say it is cheaper to cycle your tank with cheap fish. If they die you are not out as much money. And they dont have to buy a cooler to stock the product and worry about unsold product with expired date codes.
Well fish and BioSpira are in the tank. All fish are doing well and look healthy..except for 2 Mickey Mouse Platys. The sides of both of them are white looking.. where the 2 I got originally are a nice bright color. The one is content to lay on the bottom and only occassionally swim around. Could it be pregnant? It does look kind of bloated.
Anyway the little cory cats are sure funny. They have a pretty good time.
Just keep a eye on the tank and let us know if your ammonia starts climbing. That will be the first indicator if the biospira is working or not.
Also, check you nitrates daily. I never got an ammonia reading, but my nitrates showed up after 24 hours. If you don't have this test, you should get one.
Ok.. it's been about 17 hours since adding the fish and BioSpira. My water params are currently..
Ammonia - .50
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 0

The fish are active - even the bottom scraping MM Platy.
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