Bioballs in Wet Dry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 31, 2004
Chicago IL
I bought a refuge and connected it to my wetdry and i was talking to my LFS and he said that i should put my bio balls back in my wetdry cause the setup im running is considered a Berlin Method and that they dont do well. What is your recommendation on should i put back the bioballs in my wetdry.


45 Gallon tank
2 x 96 W PC bulbs
50lbs of Live Rock
20lbs of Live Sand
are you running a FOWLR or a reef? Personally, i dont think tat you need bio balls in either as long as you have enough LR, but some think it is ok to have bio balls in a FO tank. i would stay away from them if you are running a reef setup. natural filtration imho is the best form of filtration with the most benefits. what you can and should do is put more rock in your sump and/or fuge. base rock will work fine in either of these if you cant afford LR. HTH
take off the tower if their is one and put the rock in fully submerged.
I meant to say would it be harmful if i put in my Bio balls back in the Wet Dry and have my Refuge going as well.

well the bio balls are known to store nitrates, which can be harmful to reef invertabrates. i would advise not to put them back in.
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