Biocube 29 reef stock ideas

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
Just saw a picture of an orange throat pikeblenny On LA. Omg. Wow. Since I cant stay settled on a stock list I'm going to throw out a few ideas and you guys choose the best one...

List A:
1 occelaris clown
1 royal gramma
1 bangaii cardinal
1 orange throat pikeblenny
1 yellow head jaw fish

List B:
2 occelaris clowns
1 royal gramma
1 bangaii cardinal
1 goby(pink spot or yellow watchman)

List C
1 occelaris clown
1 royal gramma
1 bangaii cardinal
1 yellow watchman goby
1 orange throat pikeblenny

List D
1 ocellaris clown
1 royal gramma
1 bangaii cardinal
1 yellow head jawfish
1 orange throat pikeblenny
1 goby
(too much?)

I love list D but 6 fish....:/
Thanks in advance:D
I like List B. You could get two different types of Ocellaris Clowns, that would look nice! :) I pretty much like all of the options though, not sure what a Pinkthroat Pikeblenny is. I will look it up now.
I think I'll do this:
1 clown
1 bangaii cardinal
1 yellow head jawfish
1 royal gramma
1 goby
And the pikeblenny.

I realize that it's a bit over stocked... Should I do it? I won't if you guys don't recomend it. I want to do it right.
I think it could work, it's not like youre gonna add them all in at once. I would go slow and if your tank can handle it then very nice!
I agree.

Go slow, keep an eye on your parameters, and if all goes well, continue adding fish. :)
carey said:
I think it could work, it's not like youre gonna add them all in at once. I would go slow and if your tank can handle it then very nice!

Great! I'll be adding a new fish with some corals every 2-3 weeks. I'll have a fuge full of macro and two different filtration medias so filtration should be hefty.
I am getting a 29, and that pikeblenny looks awesome! My stocklist used to be:

2 B&W Clowns
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Green Clown Goby
Maybe a Dragonet of some sort if I can grow pods
Greenturtle said:
I am getting a 29, and that pikeblenny looks awesome! My stocklist used to be:

2 B&W Clowns
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Green Clown Goby
Maybe a Dragonet of some sort if I can grow pods

Awsome! What is it now?
Greenturtle said:
I haven't ordered it yet. Soon though! I'm making a build thread for it eventually.

Awsome I'll have to grab my popcorn when it gets here:D!! My build thread is up and running you should check it out!
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