BIOCUBE 3 Months Later with Photos

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 2, 2013
Honest opinion on what you see, health, etc.

PH = 8.2ish Ammonia = 0ppm to .25ppm Nitrite = 0ppm Nitrate = 20-40ppm so close probably in between. Salinity = 1.023 to 1.024 Phosphates = .25

2 Blue Damsels with Gold Tails
1 Clown
2 Emerald Crabs
20 plus pounds of live rock
Live sand
Duncan - Retracted Tentacles



Thanks Kristy, my stinking Duncan though, still can't figure out why it is retracted like that.
I did a water change last Saturday what ways can I bring down. Clean chambers out in biocube? How to clean out any tips?
Definitely agree on keeping the nitrates below about 5. If you have anything in your chambers that traps old food and detritus, it needs to be cleaned on a very regular basis.

How often do you feed, how much at a time, and do you rinse the food?

How often are you doing your water changes, and how much at a time?
So in the Biocube there are 3 chambers, have heater in the 1st chamber and obviously water that gets sucked in. Chamber 2 is the media basket with Poly, then Purigen Chemipure going on down. 3rd chamber is the Pump. I clean out regularly, but never took the water out of these chambers. I do water changes ever 7 days doing 5 gallons each time for this 29 gallon tank. I feed once per day in the morning flake food.
You could cut down on feeding. I know feeding is fun, but twice a week would be enough and help control waste.
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