Black algae on crypt

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 24, 2013
I add API leaf zone. 1ml a week in my 29 gal. Crypts have been growing for about 2 months or so now. Could it be too much phosphate?


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Hello Pirate...

A little algae is the sign of a healthy tank and is a good supplement to your fishes' diet. It doesn't look like you have much. Keep up on your water changes. I change half the water in my tanks at least every 10 days, most times in 7. This will keep the extra nutrients out of the tank water and makes for a stable water chemistry.

Gradually reduce the amount you feed. Adult aquarium fish are small with very small stomachs and can easily subsist on a variety of foods fed 2 to 3 times a week. But feed just a small amount.

You can reduce the nutrients by adding some floating plants like Anacharis and Penneywort.

Okay thank you for enlightening me on that. I do a 15% water change every 3 days or so. And feed once a day. What is a good co2 supplement?
Crypts are heavy root feeders. You can buy or make root tabs. I buy DIY ones premade by other hobbyists. Usually here or on the Planted Tank (free to join, only members can see sales threads). You can use Excel or injected CO2 but injected should be studied up on first. Consider Seachem Flourish Comprehensive as well, Leaf Zone only has a limited range of nutrients. It's not bad, just add in the Flourish as well

Make sure your lights are on timers as well. 6 hours a day if u see Algae. 8 hours is plenty for most. I use a timer so my tank lights are on when I can enjoy it. On 4 hours in the morning , off during the hottest hours, on 4 hours after I get home.
Crypts are heavy root feeders. You can buy or make root tabs. I buy DIY ones premade by other hobbyists. Usually here or on the Planted Tank (free to join, only members can see sales threads). You can use Excel or injected CO2 but injected should be studied up on first. Consider Seachem Flourish Comprehensive as well, Leaf Zone only has a limited range of nutrients. It's not bad, just add in the Flourish as well Make sure your lights are on timers as well. 6 hours a day if u see Algae. 8 hours is plenty for most. I use a timer so my tank lights are on when I can enjoy it. On 4 hours in the morning , off during the hottest hours, on 4 hours after I get home.
okay thy sounds great, I'll get some flourish today. If I get a floating plant will it take away too much light from my planted plants?
Hello again Pirate...

API has a CO2 supplement you can get at the local pet store. I'm not much of an authority on fertilizers. I don't use them. I have a relatively heavy fish load in my tanks and feed them a balanced variety of mostly frozen, a little freeze dried and very little flaked. My tanks have plants that require subdued lighting only, so the ferts the fish produce seems to be enough.

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