black ich?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 30, 2005
Rhode Island
Hey guys,
As you know I work at a LFS and we have a 180gal. with Jurupari, Blood Parrots, Gold Severums and a few catfish ... I noticed black spots on the Jurupari, on the face and on the pectoral fins close to the fish's body. Is this black ich? I also heard it was caused by worms that live in the aquarium gravel? Any ideas as to what this is/how to treat it? Last question: how contagious is it?

Black spot, or diplopstomiasis, is easy to treat to the best of my knowledge with Formalin and salt. It's the larval stage of a grub worm of some sort, I don't know the name off the top of my head. You can also try raising the temperature a few degrees.

I thought black spot and the worm associated with it came from bird feces, so perhaps the animal in your tank is a wild caught one.

We've been treating with a Formalin based product and it seems to be receeding. The strangest thing I've ever seen though! Thanks guys!
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