Black Moor: Mucus Discharge from Gill

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 10, 2013
Hi all,

I'm new here, but I've maintained a goldfish aquarium for 5 years.

I currently have a 20 gallon tank with one black moor and one ACF (african clawed frog). I had a beautiful fantail who died suddenly last week. I came home from work, and she was dead. I buried here, did a 50% water change, and have been keeping a close eye on my remaining black moor and frog. This has made me suspicious about my tank...:fish1:

About my black moor: He is around 2 1/2 years old. including his tail, he is about 4 inches. He is in otherwise perfect health. This morning, I noticed excess mucus discharge flapping around from his left gil. He ate his breakfast (frozen/thawed bloodworms), and was swimming around like nothing wrong. But I am concerned. :confused: It almost looks like one small flap waving out of his gil. From what I can see, it's protruding 1mm out of his gil, does not run the entire gill, more at the top, is gray/white.

About the tank:
Size: 20 gallons.
Last water change: 50% on Sunday (5 days ago). Siphoned gravel.Added chemicals: 5 TBSP aquarium salt. 10 drops tap water conditioner.
Decorations: Gravel bottom. Air stone/air bubbles. 3 plastic plants. 1 1-inch terra cotta plant for the frog.
Filter: Whisper power filter; 30 gallons.
ph: (using this kit: API Freshwater Deluxe pH Test Kit at PETCO) 7.2-7.4
0 parts ammonia.
other water conditions: (using these strips: API 5 in 1 Aquarium Test Strips - 25 Strips Aquarium Saltwater Test Kits) *N03: nitrAtes: 0-20 indicator. *NO2: nitrItes: 0. *GH: general hardness: 60-100.
Notes Nothing else has changed!

I am at work now and cannot tend to him until I get home in 8 hours. Two weeks ago, he had a random fungus patch on the same size. I used a q-tip dipped in hydrogen peroxide to gently press and stroke the area, and that seemed to help right away. No other signs of illness recently ---- except for his tank mate dying randomly, which I assume is related.

PLEASE HELP. What is the excess mucus coming from his one gil, and what can I do for him? Also -- are such diseases (I've researched and am believing it's some parasitic infection.... :nono:) contagious to aquatic frogs?

I can share pictures later.

Thank you in advance!! I have taken such great care of my fish, and want to save him.
Welcome to AA!! Few questions first. How often do you do water changes? Once a week, once a month, more/less frequently? Why are you adding such a large amount of salt and how long have you been adding this much salt? Are you using strips or liquid for your ammonia test? Lets start with this and we can provide further suggestions! Pics will help as well when you are able to post them (please ask if you need with this!). Thanks! :)
Thanks for responding! I do a water change every Sunday -- so once a week. 5 TBSP isn't that much for 20 gallons. But I added this to help with stress (tank mate dying) and because I had seen fungus the week prior. I usually add a tablespoon with each water change.

And I use strips for ammonia tests. The Petco where I go for monthly or bi-monthly water tests has always given me a 100% on my water conditions.

Thank you!
Thanks! 5 tbsp. of salt in a 20g is a very large amount of salt for any freshwater fish. Salt is simply not necessary in a fw tank and this is likely playing a part in the excess mucous. Its not a stress reliever but a stress inducer, especially at this level. The heavy salt use may have also been a factor is your other fish's demise but I think there may be another issue here as well.

For starters, I would like for you do a 50% water change when you get home- do not add any more salt. Make sure you temperature match and properly condition all new water. Next, look online at any of the big aquatic retailers/amazon/ebay for a 4oz bottle of Hikari Prazipro. Petco/petsmart/chain stores do not carry Prazipro but if you have a good lfs (not a chain store) near you, you can call them to see if they stock it. Most do carry it. Ill explain the next step once you have some prazi (your not going to follow the directions on the bottle).

What type of water conditioner are you using? The two other things I would recommend are a good water conditioner such as Prime and an API fw master test kit. Strips are inaccurate at best and I would not trust their readings or the chain stores readings (I know they use strips, too). Amazon carries the test kits inexpensively compared to most lfs. Please ask if you have questions!
Did I read correctly that you change out 10 gallons of water and use 1 drop of water conditioner per gallon? What kind of water conditioner are you using?
Yes, thanks for responding - that is correct. I use the API tap water conditioner; bottle reads one drop per gallon. And that's what I've been doing for 3 years.
Now there's a red open ulcer!

I did a 70% water change. No salt. All readings are normal.

I noticed his red open ulcer this morning. Dabbed it gently with a q-tip in hydrogen peroxide. Took some gunk off with it. Now it's open and red.

He's otherwise fine -- swimming normally, eating, energetically around the tank.

My ACF (african clawed frog) seems totally fine. Are these fish diseases contagious to frogs?

What's going on???
And the mucus from his gills seems to be gone. Haven't seen any mucus in 3 days... He was in the clear until I noticed this gun shot looking wound!

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