Black Spots on Angels! :-(

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 14, 2006
Hello all... Figures, my first post and it's about sick fish!
I've had a couple angels for about eight months now. As far as I can tell, they're "Silvers." Can't say for sure- petshop didn't really have them identified properly and I don't know anyone around who is interested in Angels :-(
Anyway, they've been healthy and happy (growing big time) until just recently when I noticed black spots appearing on their sides.
Not overly large spots... Like maybe someone sprinkled pepper on them...
They're still swimming around with tons of energy and eating fine.
Any help? Is this a parasitic infection? What do I treat this type with? And will it pose a threat to the Angels Neon Tetra tank mates?

P.S. Yes, I know Angels like to eat small fish, but the Tetras have been in there since they moved in. The Angels are now far, far larger than them and they still all get along great... Whatever :-\
Is your angel all silver or does it have silver black stripes? In any event, over the years, Angels have been cross bred with so many species that it's not surprising to see indications of their heritage show up in the form of spots of varying colors. Unless you observe a whitish substance or bumps within the spot, I would say it's normal and no issue at all.
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