Blacking out for blue-green algae

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 9, 2003
Columbus Ohio USA
So I blacked out the tank for 5 days, no peeking and no feeding. I was happily surprised to find the blue green 'algae' gone when I unwrapped the tank. I might have missed the little bit that I'm now seeing when I unwrapped the tank since I was sick, but a day later, I'm seeing the stuff again. Oh well... I guess I will get some maracyn.
I did the same thing, and it is coming back again.....I hate this stuff. I'm going to dose maracyn again, this time full dose (did half dose last time, didn't work too well :? )
I have had luck with removal by hand & then adding CO2 & micronutrient fertilizer with anacharis or hornwort in the system. It seems to be outcompeted by other algae or the plants.

Sort of funny when you are happy to see hair algae all over. LOL.

But it is better than the dreaded cyano. Anyway I think you would be better off changing your water conditions to suit the cyano less well. Antibiotics are hard on everything including fish because it can kill of benificial bacteria that live in their guts (kind of like when humans take antibiotics). Not to mention what they do to your filter.
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