:blink: How many is too many?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 2, 2013
Central Coast, California
I have purchased a Fluval Spec V and I definitely want a planted tank. My problem? I have no idea how many plants I can stick in it or what I should stick in it? I don't plan on changing the lighting that comes with it so I figure low to med lighting?

Can I have suggestions on plants and how many I can have? Oh I will also have a small piece of dw in there too, can't show a pic yet cuz it hasn't arrived yet.
ummm, solid mass of green? theres no set rule for how many plants that I have heard, outside of leaving room for the fish to swim. as for kinds, I would stick to the smaller versions as thats a 5 gallon tank? so most moss, some crypts...most of what I can think of right off would get to big and have to be trimmed all the time.
How about some anubias nana petite? Maybe a small crypt or some carpeting plants. Not sure about the brightness of the light either.

What substrate are you planning? I prefer Eco-complete for plants.
I do have eco complete ordered. Is there a petite version of anubias nana? I have not seen them before, and crypt seems ok... haven't seen any moss I like except for those balls but I am not sure if my light is enough for them? More suggestions i can look up? :D I love how you guys know so much.
My favorite seller for plants is Mikeswetpets either on ebay or aquabid- he sells on both. There is a website called bamaplants that was recommended to me but I have not ordered from them. Just be cautious as I got some leaches in on plants from a seller in Florida once. You should be able to get the anubias nana petite from one of them. :)
I have a couple 6g Fluval Edge's which has similar lighting and I have been able to grow, Ambulia, Micro Chain Sword, Anubia's, Java Fern Wendilov, and Bolbitus quite well. Crypts tend to get leggy so I took them out. I do use liquid carbon (Excel) daily and ferts once a week after WC's. Java moss would work on the DW under that lighting also.
I have the smaller version of that tank, the Spec III, at work. The lighting is the same LED setup for both. I currently have Anubias Nana (think its petite, it is quite small), Crypt Wendti (green), Water Wisteria, and a small sword. I know the sword will eventually get too big and I will have to remove it, but for now, it is filling in the back corner nicely. I trim the wisteria down about every 2 weeks. The crypt is getting a bit leggy, but I am enjoying the look I am getting from it. All these plants are growing very well with the light provided.
I also had dwarf hairgrass in the tank, which seemed to be doing well, it was growing and spreading, but I took it out because my adf kept pulling it up when he was looking for food, so I am not sure how it would do long term. I dose excel daily, and ferts once a week. Root tab under the sword and crypt.
I have a couple 6g Fluval Edge's which has similar lighting and I have been able to grow, Ambulia, Micro Chain Sword, Anubia's, Java Fern Wendilov, and Bolbitus quite well. Crypts tend to get leggy so I took them out. I do use liquid carbon (Excel) daily and ferts once a week after WC's. Java moss would work on the DW under that lighting also.

lolololol :lol: It would be that the one I like the most is illegal in California... sigh... Why are these plants illegal? I can't think that people buy them just to plant them out in the wild.
Another question?

Had another question and figured i would just post it in this thread instead of starting a new one...

Are there plants that don't do well together?
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It's not that there are plants that don't do well together but it's making sure the plants you get all require the same lighting and that you have the proper lighting for those plants.
First list the lighting and bulbs your going to be using and then I can suggest plants that will work. It will be much easier that way.
The lighting is whatever comes with the Fluval Spec V.... box says 7500k luminosity LED's.

I have been suggested some plants but the ones I keep seeing that I like are illegal in CA. :( Would it help if I said that I don't like spiny leaves?
I suggest looking at lower light tolerant plants. Anubia's such as Nana Petite, Java fern (there are many types), Bolbitus, Ambulia, Temple plant, Micro Chain Sword, Crypts, Water Sprite, just to name a few.
I suggest looking at lower light tolerant plants. Anubia's such as Nana Petite, Java fern (there are many types), Bolbitus, Ambulia, Temple plant, Micro Chain Sword, Crypts, Water Sprite, just to name a few.

Bolbitus, Ambulia, crypts and water sprite cant be shipped to ca or are just straight up illegal to have here. I am just really starting to hate this state. Do normal people ship plants regardless of the regulations?

I am worried that micro chain sword will take over my tank? i have only seen pictures of it in big tanks covering the whole ground. :blink: am i wrong?

Temple plant is really pretty... but will it be a problem that it grows to 2 feet when my tank is only a foot high?
No one will usually risk shipping plants that are on the banned list BUT if you can find someone in your state they can sell those plants.

Micro Chain Sword grows so slow it could never overrun a tank. You were probably seeing Dwarf Hair Grass.

All stem plants grow tall and you trim them when they get too big.
No one will usually risk shipping plants that are on the banned list BUT if you can find someone in your state they can sell those plants.

Micro Chain Sword grows so slow it could never overrun a tank. You were probably seeing Dwarf Hair Grass.

All stem plants grow tall and you trim them when they get too big.

Thank you for the Micro Chain Sword info. :) I think I will just try to stick with whatever I can have shipped to me. If I get a big plant I can probably just ask here how to trim it... assuming I can keep it alive. :lol:
So I have taken a look on liveaquaria.com and built a list of plants that I can have shipped to me that I like the look of:

Telanthera Plant (Alternanthera reineckii var 'roseafolia') 6"
ChainSword - Narrow Leaf (Echinodorus tenellus) 6"
Anubias nana (Anubias nana) 6"
Cardinal Plant (Lobelia cardinalis "Dwarf") 1'
Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri) 1'
Cyperus Plant (Cyperus helferi) 1'2"
Ozelot Sword (Echinodorus ozelot) 1'4"
Hygrophila Kompakt (Hygrophila corymbosa) 2'

So my new questions:
-Can I stick all of these in a 5 gallon? (If not, which ones are a bigger pain then others and should be removed off my list?)
-Do I need to liquid fert these if I have eco complete? (If so, what is a good brand to go with? don't mind doing it, but had not planned on it so haven't bought any yet.)
-With the above question, If I start my fishless cycle with these plants, do I need to liquid fert from the get go or will that mess up my cycle?
-Any other suggested sites that have a wide selection of plants? (Would prefer to get them all from one place.)

:thanks: for all your help. :angel:
No they won't all fit and I'd remove the Cyperus Plant and the Ozelot Sword due to size right off the bat. Also the Hygrophila Kompakt as it could easily take over the tank. Since the tank is long and narrow if you scape carefully you could use the rest.

In a tank that small I recommend using Seachems Excel, liquid carbon, daily and Seachems Flourish Comprehensive weekly after WC's. That is about all you need.
No they won't all fit and I'd remove the Cyperus Plant and the Ozelot Sword due to size right off the bat. Also the Hygrophila Kompakt as it could easily take over the tank. Since the tank is long and narrow if you scape carefully you could use the rest.

In a tank that small I recommend using Seachems Excel, liquid carbon, daily and Seachems Flourish Comprehensive weekly after WC's. That is about all you need.

Thanks so much Rivercats! Now I have a plan for plants at least.

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