Bloated betta

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 28, 2004
Beside keeper in the tank
Just noticed my male betta has a very swollen/bloated belly.....this is new, he didn't have it before he ate (just fed him frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp) ...could it just be that he's a pig? He's never done this before. Any ideas?
I had a betta who died of bloat once, and since learned that it is a good idea to feed a blanched, shelled pea once a week to prevent this. If you can do that soon it might help. I am sure some betta experts will come along shortly, but a digestive tract blockage is the likely culprit.
Lemme move this over to the Unhealthy forum - I hope it is not dropsy or something, is there a pine-coney appearance to the fish?
The big ball look is exactly what I went through with mine - I am definitely stumped if it gets regular peas. I would hold off on feeding tomorrow and hopefully in the AM someone will post back with something more helpful - good luck!
Betta looks a bit better today, a bit less bloated and he seems active and happy. Should I feed peas tonite to help clear his belly or should I just not feed at all?
Hi Keepers_girl, I'm glad to hear the betta is getting better. I give my bettas peas once a week. I'm not sure if more frequent pea feedings are ok. I would wait at least 5 days to give more peas. (Menagerie, TankGirl -- what do you think?)

I wouldn't feed tonight or tomorrow. Do you have any daphnia? I would try some daphnia on Thursday or Friday, and then maybe some more peas on Friday or Saturday if it looks necessary. I have read that daphnia can help digestive ailments also. I feed my bettas freeze-dried daphnia twice a week, along with the peas once a week.
Sorry, I've been MIA. I usually only feed peas once a week, because that's how often I eat them. I also don't feed anything else, but peas on pea night and they usually get nothing the day before.
I'm having the same problem with one of my bettas. I'm definitely going to try feeding peas tomorrow. I'm glad I found this thread! :)
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