bloated or egg bound cae

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fish lover

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 27, 2005
I am not sure what is going on with my algae eater, he is bloated no red sores, his stomach was soft, I don't know if its a girl and egg bounded and the male is not helping fertile the eggs, or what, but he or she wont eat, and is breathing heavy, has any one experience this or has any idea what I could do.

Thanks :(
Feed some veggies...thawed out frozen shelled peas preferably. It is possible the fish is blocked up. The peas serve as an effective laxative if this is the case. If not it's a welcomed treat :) Test your water regardless of results with the peas. Let us know the results. Pay attention to nitrite and nitrates, though test for ammonia and pH also. Good to get a full view of the tank's water quality.
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