Blue Acara male or Female

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 31, 2017
South Florida
Hi everyone,

I am looking to see if anyone can help me identify if my Blue Acaras are male or female. I call him Mr. blue however if he isn't a Mr I might have to change his name to Ms lol.

Is there a way to tell? IMG_1097.JPG

Any information will help. Thank you in advance.
Hi everyone,

I am looking to see if anyone can help me identify if my Blue Acaras are male or female. I call him Mr. blue however if he isn't a Mr I might have to change his name to Ms lol.

Is there a way to tell? View attachment 294178

Any information will help. Thank you in advance.

IMG_1103.JPG. Here is the second one (he hates my phone and hides from it. I guess he is camera shy lol. I love him either way though.
Think I see 2 males, how long have they been together and what I'm are their interactions like if any??

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Think I see 2 males, how long have they been together and what I'm are their interactions like if any??

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Aquarium Advice mobile app

They don't really interact with each other at all. The larger one #1 sometimes picks on the smaller one #2 and puts him in a corner. I have not seen any fights though.

They have been together about a month. There really indifferent with each other.
Yah.. how big are they? First one def looks healthier to me.

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Yah.. how big are they? First one def looks healthier to me.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Aquarium Advice mobile app

One is about 3.5 maybe 4" the other is 2" maybe 2.5". The larger blue one has been with me since October. The smaller one is relatively new. He has been with me about a month from a different aquarium store.
The store gave me the option to bring the second guy back for a female but I grow very attached to my babies. I don't really want to give them up. Especially Since they are not fighting. If I get a female also would that work??

Thanks for replying
Can I have 2 males and 1 female or will that make it a disaster? Sorry for so many questions but I am very new to this. Thank you for taking the time to answer [emoji846]
I would guess that would not go well for the second male.
I think all 7 of my EBA are males so not just one gets picked on.
I like pairs because I always want to breed what I keep..
Go figure I got 7 males!:whistle::nono:
I dont think that would go well for the female either as there would be some sort of tug of war for her...
Yea I went out today and got another hiding spot to put in the tank he seems happier now.
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