blue hippo tang question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 10, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
I just bought a hippo tang off cl along with a fire shrimp. The tang has seemed to have turned a lighter blue color almost white is this a normal change due to the stress of the move? Will it return to the bright blue? I acculamated it over 2 hrs its water was 1.026 and my tank is 1.022. the fire shrimp seemes to be fine moving all over. All my perameters are with are good.
The color could be stress. The "lighter color" is common for stressed fish.

I would be concerned that its a Blue Tang in a 75g, which is about half what it should be in. That alone could stress it, which lowers the immune system, which tends to lead to Ich (especially with Tangs).
I know the tank size is a little small but i helped it a little it was in a 40 gal. I just went to buy fire shrimp and felt bad for it. It looks like some fish had be nipping its fins i am hopeing the will recover along with its color and it will be heading to the lfs
Hopefully it perks back up for you. Some people just don't get tangs. I have an employee who got excited when he learned about my saltwater tank and talked to me about how he kept trying his luck at it, but all his tangs just died in his 20 gallon...I wish I could just fire him for that! Lol. But yes, it will need a bigger home and chances are that tang just won't make it with how "sickly" blue tangs seem to be right out of the gate. Good luck.

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