Blue rams hanging out near top...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 7, 2006
Ontario, Cananda
My Blue rams are hanging out near the top of the tank, from what ive read this is them near the end, what can i do?
That usually means there is a lack of oxygen in the water. In the summer is when people see more of that problem as the temperature goes up and the higher the water temp the less oxygen in it. You should add more oxygen either by:
If you have a HOB, lower the water level by 1 1/2 - 2 inches so there is more splash.
If you have a cannister filter move the output value closer to the surface for more water
Add an airstone or bubblewand (depending on the types of fish you have).
If adding oxygen doesn't help then there is some other issue going on and we would need more information from you to determine what might be the cause. (Tank size, water parameters, how many fish and types, etc.)
If you need to lower the temperature of your water you can float ice cubes or clean plastic pop bottles frozen with ice in them... that doesn't add oxygen to the water though - just lowers the temp.
the problem is that i saw a couple spots of ich on one of the rams so i have the temps at 89 to fight it off, should i lower the temps to keep them alive or keep the temps higher to kill the ich, i have the water level lowered to 1.5 inches, used to have an airstone, think i can find it now...nope, may have to go buy one i guess
I agree with Cinder. Keep the temp higher for the ick, however adding more aeration is crucial with higher temps. If you cant find your airstone/pump, I would really hit the LFS, it's cheap stuff. If you can't do you have an HOB filter, you could try lowering the water line a little. I do not no to much about Rams, but a lot of times it is a lack of O2. Also, make sure you are not changing your temps quick. You will shock the fish. If you raised it to 89 fast, you may as well leave it. No need to put them through more. For the future you should never alter it more than one degree per day IMO. Good Luck, keep us posted
Did a test and all were fine, i picked up an air pump, they are now hanging out like they used to, minus 1 casualty, they are still "gasping" how long until they should return to normal?
You really need to get an airstone and get it going strong. Also, at that temp, if you want to speed up raising the O2 levels, do a small PWC. That will bump up the O2 quite fast. When I had that problem, the fish were back to normal within 5 minutes after the PWC, then I have an airstone going full blast.
like i said the airstone is in there, 2 rams are died already.....might just be my last try at rams, never have any luck with them
Sorry to hear that 2 died. What kind of test kit are you using and have you tested your tap water at all? Whenever I have any problems with my fish I do water change even if parameters are good, simply because it sure doesn't hurt and can only help. Keep the temp up if you do a water change with the new water added. Good luck.
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