blue spotted jawfish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 28, 2010
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
I had been waiting for this character for quite some time. I had seen one in the store where I got some of my corals and yesterday I got the call saying he got one in last week and I should come and take a look. Eating no problem, in fact he ate a few hours after I put him in the QT. I have him in my quarantine tank but since they are burrowers I'm not sure what to provide in there for him. I was thinking of getting a small bag of sand and putting it in a small margarine container and putting that in the tank. That way I still get the qt with bare bottom but also some sand for him to burry in. I have pvc tubes in there now but they may not be a tight enough spot for him.

Any ideas? Thanks...

Ugh, I hate my phone! Anyways, we shall try this again. Make sure to darken the QT using bushy plastic plants or even "trash bag plants." You can also try vertical pvc placement. I've also used small plastic containers filled with sand and 1" pvc burried vertically at angles (make sure the pvc is somewhat hollowed out so less work fro the jawfish). Large plastic or real barnacle shells also work fab :)

Note that substrate, live rock, etc will absorb certain meds so testing and redosing more often may be necessary.
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Thanks for the help. I'll do that this morning. Do you have one? I've read in some articles about feeding 2-3 times daily and others that just say once is fine. Any idea which is right?

2-3 times a day is excessive for a jawfish. They will do fine with once a day or even every other day.
Make sure to provide a deep sand bed and lots if rubble rock (little pieces of live rock). I had one. They love to take the rock in their mouth and build tunnels by lining their tunnels and opening with rock. After they have a tunnel built they will poke their heads out and whenever food is given, they dart out and grab it. They then back into their tunnel tail first. They are super fast. You wonder how anyone can collect them. Maybe that's why they re super expensive too..
Thanks for the help guys. It is really appreciated. I always try and do my research but you get contradicting info and I've found that AA really helps me make my final decision.

Well, he's doing fine so far. Ate very well tonight and doesn't seem that shy when I poked in to feed.

I care for one and have done so in the past, so yes. If in QT I would feed twice a day in small amounts (just enough to where you see a slight bulge in the side or bottom of abdomen or oncve the animals appetite begins to slow during feeding), but once in main system every day to every other day is adequate.
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